RAWG mandate
The RAWG is an advisory body in the field of
Designing Dependable Systems
- Define reliability workflows & guidelines for dependable design
- Promote and support the use of standard methods and practices
- Coordinate additional developments concerning tools and methods
- Apply formal methods to safety critical and protection systems
- Provide an expert forum to assist others where needed
Tracking Availability and Availability Optimisation of the Operational Accelerator Complex
- Coordinate weekly fault reviews in the accelerator complex
- Produce periodic availability reports for management
- Provide recommendations & priorities to further increase the benefits of AFT for the sector
Reliability Analysis & Assessment for Future Accelerators
- Ensure a coherent approach for reliability/availability activities and studies for future accelerators such as the HL-LHC and the FCC
- Promote standard tools and methods in terms of requirements and risk assessment to HL-LHC and future accelerators
Building Collaborations, Internally and Externally
- Foster collaborations in the field of reliability and availability with universities, institutes and companies
- Organise where needed internal and external workshops and conferences in the field of reliability and availability
The RAWG reports to the CTTB.